
Friday 3 September 2021

Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 My Metamorphosis

Yet another thing we did for writing this week was to imagine that we had undergone metamorphosis. 

We had to pretend we had woken up one morning and discovered we had changed. It would be like going to sleep as a caterpillar and waking up as a butterfly. We had to write about what our new body was like and what we could do. I chose to be a mutated trantuala.

Here is my work.

Different form

The form:       

One morning I woke up to a disaster because something unusual was staring at me. He looked me in the eye anxiously and I could tell he wasn’t friendly. He had forced his powers at me ragingly and turned me into something that crawls on 8 legs. I was all fuzzy. People really hated me because I was scary to them but I think I am even more. I had been mutated into a gigantic tarantula that had some outstanding abilities. I could swing on webs and make webs. I'm a cool artistic hunter, but the only thing I hate about being a trantuala is that they only live off by eating any bugs that get caught in their web like bees, flies, mosquitos, and other thing’s. BUT I was’nt that kind of species. I was a Goliath bird eating tarantula but since I am a mutated big tarantula I’m a human eating trantuala but I really don’t eat human’s I eat normal stuff like burgers and that.

The lab:

When I went up town to have a walk I went straight to the scientest lab where all the scientest know about everything I was gonna say something until they all started to scream I just remembered I was a mutated trantuala. After, I tried to look for a potion that could transform me back into a normal human. But then I saw another mutated creature. He was a mutated wasp. I bet people hated him more than people hated me. I walked up to him and said to him “ did you see something unusual that turned you into this mess? '' He said “yes ” I said, `` Wow,  finally someone mutated like me is here ”. I said “  what's your name” he said it’s “ Ned ” I said “ it’s a pleasure to meet you ” “  my name is Kheean ” he said “ i’ts a pleasure to meet you ”. I told him to try help me find a potion to change us back. He said it was to late because we have been cursed for some reason that I quite have’nt worked out yet. I said I’m sure there’s others out there that are just the same as us  but different species. The call:

When Ned and I were walking downtown we saw an alpha mutated insect whose name was the frostmaw alpha that was 100x bigger than us. The alpha called all of the mutated creatures and they were all different kinds of species like us. When he called us the world was tumbling down making big earthquakes. We thought this was going to be the end of our lives but the alpha said only you can survive this big earthquake of all the mutated creatures. When he did the call he sucked us all in with a special voice that only we can hear. My life was really messed up. He was calling us to let us know that his little minions went and transformed us into these creatures and to save the mothership with everyone in it. He was telling us something about some Terraformars that are trying to take over the world so that’s why I called all of you to help me.

We are doomed:

Everyone was panicking very terrifyingly until I saw my Mum. She was walking around trying to find me. I went to run to her but then I got teleported into the mothership  pod that the alpha used to come to earth and we travelled to their dimension. It was beautiful but that’s why the alpha needed our help because the terraformas were gonna destroy it. I finally got to test out my abilities. I did’nt want to do it back on earth because it might have destroyed the place a little. Even though it is destroyed by the Frostmaw alpha. I first tried out the artistic hunting thing so I creeped up on 2 and jumped out of the grass then grabbed them all then wrapped them in the web then I threw them in the fire pit. Ohhh and by the way the terraformas yeah they are human looking cockroaches.  Here is a picture of one.

Pachyrhynchus Infernalis Terraformar | Terra Formars Wiki | FandomThey are very strong and superb killers. Whatever stands in their way is dead meat. But nothing is stronger to me. Because I am a mutant trantuala. We managed to get more in the fire pit but then there was a boss that was a job for the alpha.

The boss:

The boss was a gigantic terraforma that was 500x stronger than us. That's why we got the alpha to do it. He was bigger enough and stronger enough to fight him.

The terraforma takes the first hit as a critical hit. Then alpha took a little bit of time to revive then gave the terraforma a left, right, hook upercut that made him fall badly to the ground. The terraforma stood up anxiously and said “I surrender” . Finally we all won the battle. They returned the ship back to us and said sorry. We finally returned home safely and changed back that way. We still had our powers in the end.

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