
Friday 3 December 2021

Santa's 2000 dropping device

On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss

the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece

of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book:

Stinkosaurus Saves Christmas

 It was about the santa that had a big problem and Stinkosaurus saved him.

 I chose to make a funky sleigh but the reindeer is the sleigh. Here is my work.


Friday 26 November 2021

Play, Make, Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: One for you and two for me.

 It was about the importance of friendship and sharing thing fairly.

 I chose to make a lawnmower to make the forest fair

Monday 22 November 2021


 For Maori we have been learning to say what the weather is like here is my Google draw.

Friday 19 November 2021

Vaseline saucers

 We have Pet Day at Ohaeawai School every year and one of the activities we do is to create a symmetrical design on a saucer using flower petals. You put Vaseline on the saucer first to make the flowers stick. That’s why they are called Vaseline Saucers. Here is a pic of


Thursday 18 November 2021

Mozaic Art

 We have been learning about using apps on our Chromebook to create images that look like mosaics or stained glass windows. We used Google Draw to make some and some people also used Sumopaint. Here is the image I made using Google Draw. I chose a  panther because it looked a bit cool.

Friday 12 November 2021

Play, Make, Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Plants Fought Back.

  It was about respecting others.

 I chose to make a personification writing and a monster plant.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Evil pumpkin

 Here is a piece of writing I did in the past 3 weeks

Wednesday 10 November 2021


 Here is a piece of writing I did in the past 3 weeks

It all started on a sunny avo when the sun shone down with wavy trees and animals. BOOM BOOM BOOM! Along came a big gorilla known as the nice King Kong that looks after the animals from deadly predators known as tigers, lions, and panthers. The man called Kipo and the dog called Kaitiaki came to warn the gorilla that the elephant is being attacked by the panther. The gorilla scooped up the man and the dog and off they went.

 When they arrived it was too late. the elephant was dead which made the gorilla go kong frenzy, his eyes went red as devil skin, his muscles got jacked and his fur all stood up. he did a mighty roar that made the trees shake and the flock of birds fly away. He ran into the forest to find the burrow of panthers. While he was running he came across the elephant herd. He told them what happened and they came along too. When they arrived the gorilla banged on his chest and roared once again. The pack of panthers all surrounded the gorilla and the elephants. One of the panthers was a chief of the pack. He commanded 

the pack to attack. The gorilla punched them all away. The gorilla said, “I won’t let you hurt another elephant.the Gorilla punched and kicked down the burrow. The panthers transformed into big panthers the size of the gorilla. It was very tragic. 

The next day the gorilla was scared, fierce and ready to pounce but the more he tried he could barely move. He quietly passed away. There could be no more guards to protect them now. THE END

Friday 5 November 2021

Play, make, create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: That’s Not the Monster We Ordered.

  It was about being grateful for what you have.

 I chose to make my own monster and to review about one of the monsters in the story. Here is my work

Friday 29 October 2021

Frank Stella ART

We have been learning about abstract art. It’s all about creating works of art that don’t actually look like anything. We focused on the American artist Frank Stella, who liked to make pictures using shapes like circles, triangles and rectangles.

Here is my work:


Friday 22 October 2021

Play, make, create

 This week for play, make, create we read a book called I am peace it was a book about emotions. For our writing task we had to write about 3 paragraphs about a time we felt nervous, anxious or out of control for my create I did a story of what I do when I am mad or sad and made an anchor to describe how I stopped the sad emotion boat.

Friday 1 October 2021

Cross Country Week 10 Term 3

  Thanks to Covid we could only have Ohaeawai kids in our cross country this year.  I came 1st

in my year group

       We followed a procedure to make a 3D clock we used it to show times I made one that made 6:30

Friday 24 September 2021

How to make wombat stew play make create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Wombat Stew. It was about a dingo who caught a wombat and tried to make wombat stew. But, it didn’t work….


 I chose to make a procedure writing and my own very mutated bug.

Friday 17 September 2021

Monster with white teeth

Maui and the sun it was about how Maui and his brothers slowed the Sun down.

On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Maui and the sun.

  It was about the Maori myth which explains how/why the sun moves across the sky.

 I chose to do the task that we had to draw a monster that has white teeth like the sun.

Blackout poem

we have been learning how to write different styles of poetry here is mine.

Friday 10 September 2021

Apology letter to the animals

 In Week 7 of Term 3, we got back to school!!! On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Tidy

  It was about a badger that was too tidy.

 I chose to make an apology letter and a back up plan to distract Pete so he can stop tidying.

Friday 3 September 2021

Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 My Metamorphosis

Yet another thing we did for writing this week was to imagine that we had undergone metamorphosis. 

We had to pretend we had woken up one morning and discovered we had changed. It would be like going to sleep as a caterpillar and waking up as a butterfly. We had to write about what our new body was like and what we could do. I chose to be a mutated trantuala.

Here is my work.

Different form

The form:       

One morning I woke up to a disaster because something unusual was staring at me. He looked me in the eye anxiously and I could tell he wasn’t friendly. He had forced his powers at me ragingly and turned me into something that crawls on 8 legs. I was all fuzzy. People really hated me because I was scary to them but I think I am even more. I had been mutated into a gigantic tarantula that had some outstanding abilities. I could swing on webs and make webs. I'm a cool artistic hunter, but the only thing I hate about being a trantuala is that they only live off by eating any bugs that get caught in their web like bees, flies, mosquitos, and other thing’s. BUT I was’nt that kind of species. I was a Goliath bird eating tarantula but since I am a mutated big tarantula I’m a human eating trantuala but I really don’t eat human’s I eat normal stuff like burgers and that.

The lab:

When I went up town to have a walk I went straight to the scientest lab where all the scientest know about everything I was gonna say something until they all started to scream I just remembered I was a mutated trantuala. After, I tried to look for a potion that could transform me back into a normal human. But then I saw another mutated creature. He was a mutated wasp. I bet people hated him more than people hated me. I walked up to him and said to him “ did you see something unusual that turned you into this mess? '' He said “yes ” I said, `` Wow,  finally someone mutated like me is here ”. I said “  what's your name” he said it’s “ Ned ” I said “ it’s a pleasure to meet you ” “  my name is Kheean ” he said “ i’ts a pleasure to meet you ”. I told him to try help me find a potion to change us back. He said it was to late because we have been cursed for some reason that I quite have’nt worked out yet. I said I’m sure there’s others out there that are just the same as us  but different species. The call:

When Ned and I were walking downtown we saw an alpha mutated insect whose name was the frostmaw alpha that was 100x bigger than us. The alpha called all of the mutated creatures and they were all different kinds of species like us. When he called us the world was tumbling down making big earthquakes. We thought this was going to be the end of our lives but the alpha said only you can survive this big earthquake of all the mutated creatures. When he did the call he sucked us all in with a special voice that only we can hear. My life was really messed up. He was calling us to let us know that his little minions went and transformed us into these creatures and to save the mothership with everyone in it. He was telling us something about some Terraformars that are trying to take over the world so that’s why I called all of you to help me.

We are doomed:

Everyone was panicking very terrifyingly until I saw my Mum. She was walking around trying to find me. I went to run to her but then I got teleported into the mothership  pod that the alpha used to come to earth and we travelled to their dimension. It was beautiful but that’s why the alpha needed our help because the terraformas were gonna destroy it. I finally got to test out my abilities. I did’nt want to do it back on earth because it might have destroyed the place a little. Even though it is destroyed by the Frostmaw alpha. I first tried out the artistic hunting thing so I creeped up on 2 and jumped out of the grass then grabbed them all then wrapped them in the web then I threw them in the fire pit. Ohhh and by the way the terraformas yeah they are human looking cockroaches.  Here is a picture of one.

Pachyrhynchus Infernalis Terraformar | Terra Formars Wiki | FandomThey are very strong and superb killers. Whatever stands in their way is dead meat. But nothing is stronger to me. Because I am a mutant trantuala. We managed to get more in the fire pit but then there was a boss that was a job for the alpha.

The boss:

The boss was a gigantic terraforma that was 500x stronger than us. That's why we got the alpha to do it. He was bigger enough and stronger enough to fight him.

The terraforma takes the first hit as a critical hit. Then alpha took a little bit of time to revive then gave the terraforma a left, right, hook upercut that made him fall badly to the ground. The terraforma stood up anxiously and said “I surrender” . Finally we all won the battle. They returned the ship back to us and said sorry. We finally returned home safely and changed back that way. We still had our powers in the end.

Insect art

 Because we were using ‘Insects’ as a topic this week for reading and writing we created some works of art based on insects also. We had to make them out of any materials we could find at home. I chose to use paper because it was a bit easier. Here is a picture I chose.


Friday 13 August 2021

The Smartest Giant in Town

 In Week 3 of Term 3, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

 I chose to write somethings he did kind to people

The bridge for the Fox

 In Week 3 of Term 3, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Edwards Read the book: the smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson

It was about being kind. I chose to make a bridge for the fox to get over the muddy bog.

Friday 30 July 2021



Wanted guest

 Today for play make create Ms Craig read the silly Goats Gruff I chose to make a wanted poster.

wanted guest.

Wednesday 7 July 2021


 Today we wrote a piece of writing about weather. We got to choose however we wanted to write it I choose to write about different types of weather.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Do stars twinkle?

 In Week 8,  Miss Fletcher gave us a science lesson about Matariki.

We had to write some notes about it.  Here is my work:

Writing Week 10 Term 2 2021

                                         On a saturday morning I had rugby. Here is my work.


“Kheean,” my Dad said to me. “Get up, it’s time to get ready for rugby.” I said, “okay” and did it. I got up, put some clothes on and moulded my new mouthguard. I was a little embarrassed because it was pink. I put my shoes in the car, came back inside and made myself some weetbix. Then my dad put on some pies and I said Dad I’m going to tip my weetbix out. When I came back I was staring at the pies  for like 5 minutes. I went back to getting ready. I took the pies out and put them on the 2 saucers. I sprinted into the car and went down to the cowshed with Dad.

We were feeding our dogs when suddenly one of my dad’s workmates saw us and had a VERY LONG TALk. I was very bored so I decided to tell my dad to hurry up or I'm gonna be late. I was already 20 minutes late for training for our warm up.  Quickly we took off but we had to turn around because my dad forgot his wallet. After I got it we stopped at the shop to buy some cookies for my food plate. Then we finally got to the rugby field. I saw my favourite grandpa and he said hi and I was like hi grandpa. Then I quickly rushed over to the other side and got ready quickly.

Finally the refs said, “it’s time to play and boys no fends to the face and high attacks.” We all said yes dan and played. BAM, the ball went all the way to us from the other side. One of our team mates caught it and one of them went to the goal and got a try. YAY! We all cheered. One try for us. Some of us got hurt really badly like Cheyne. He got power slammed and his Dad came in and picked him up and took him to the side line for a break and then he came back in. 

My boots sprinted down the line and got a try. Everyone cheered and cheered for our team. I got player of the day. We had karakia and had a mean meal. We had dougnuts, cookies and more. We had a very sour drink that was made with raro but was still yum. 

Monday 5 July 2021

Cybersmart poster



On Friday we did Matariki rotations. I paper plate weaved stars and Maori games with Matua Ken, Matua Dwayne, and Matua Tupara.

Here are some photos of other activities that happened on the day. Kite Making and Short Bread cookies.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Mrs C

 In Week 8, Term 2  our school librarian, Mrs C, retired. On her last day, we put on a  Book Character Parade. We dressed up in costumes like book characters and then we went on a parade through the Daycare Centre next to the school, past the shops in the village, along Hobson St and back upTennyson St to the school. 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Flax star

Today I learnt how to weave A flax star. When you cut a flax you have to cut it down by the stem on an angle.
The harakeke works as a family.

The harakekes stem is strong and similar to a warriors muscles.

The parents protects the child.

The top three harakekes are the heart of the plant.

The child is surrounded by his whanau.

The leaves wave in the wind


Monday 21 June 2021

He aha tenei?

For Te Reo Maori we have been learning to ask and answer questions about classroom objects. 

Friday 18 June 2021

Play make create term2 wk 7

 In Week Seven of Term 2, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Crayons Quit. 

 I chose to make a summer beat and make a Ben 10 creation to cheer up the black crayon aalso the green one.


Friday 11 June 2021

 KIa ora I have made a bug house for any kind of specied insects a safe little home just for them. Here is what I have made.

Play, Make, Create

Kia ora this week I have read a book called Twig And I have made a creation below. Here is mine I hope you like it.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Autumn leaves

 In Week 4,  we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some autumn leaves. We looked for them on trees and on the ground. Then we came back to class and wrote about them using as many of our senses as we could. Here is my work:

Diamante poem

In Week 4, we learned how to write a Diamante poem. We could base it on any

topic we wanted.   I chose to base mine on hunting and lions  Here is my work.



Friday 28 May 2021

Rock VS Stick man

 In Term 2 Week Four we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book paper, Scissors, Rock. It was about friendship and learning about your strengths and weaknesses.  Here is my comic strip of rock vs stickman. I also created a movie.

Friday 21 May 2021


 This week for play make create we listened to a story "Give me some space". I chose to design a new space ship for the astronaut.


 This week we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some seeds and then we came back to class and wrote about them using our senses of sight and touch to describe them. Here is my work:


Solid healthy enviromental pumpkin seeds.

Edible black looking semi circled seeds

Earth lifesaving tree seeds.

Dispersing seeds from a native bird.

Soaring seeds falling from the plant and 

landing on the ground to grow.

The plot

 This week we had to write a recount about going on the Project Island Song trip or, (if we didn’t go on the trip) anything else. I chose to write about three mice….. Here is my work:

       THE PLOT

Once upon a time long, long LONG ago there lived the 3 toxic terrors! But really they were just rats that lived in a place far, far away in a place called the Town of Ghosts. Whoooo! 

One day they woke up to a catastrophe!!! They were out of food. Oh ohh this means trouble because you know why? It’s because they come and dress up in disguise to steal our food from us! It’s sad for us because that means when WE want food it will be gone. They take it all. 

They fly over to our country in their magical spooky spaceship full of spiritual stuff like ghosts. They sneak into the ship and hide but they mean no harm to us. 

The next day when I woke up to have breakfast the food was all gone, completely gone!  So the next thing i knew was to set a trap so I did. During the night I heard a BANG! It gave me a fright I went to look and I got the 3 toxic terror mice. I threw them out and then we all had no problems and everyone lived happily ever after. THE END

I didn't do poem

This week we had to write a Repetition poem about what we didn’t do in the holidays. Here is my work:

I didn’t go swimming.

I didn’t go on the farm.

I didn’t go fishing.

And I didn’t go into the barnyard.

I didn’t go to Waikato.

I didn’t go to the airport.

I didn’t go to school at all.

And I didn’t go on the Fearfall.

I didn’t ride a horse.

I didn’t do a course.

I didn’t play at all.

But just lay on the floor.


Tuesday 18 May 2021

Feathers 2021 Tearm 2

 This week we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some feathers. We didn’t find any but luckily our teachers had collected some so then we came back to class and wrote about them using our senses of sight and touch to describe them. Here is my work:


This feather is as soft as a tiger's fluffy coat. It's just like rubbing your hand up against the milky, fluffy rough snow. Colours are blended like a beautiful galaxy. The white and black are like the opposite of the beautiful colours. When you rub your hand down the feather it’s all rough and spikey. When you rub your hand up its normal. Soft colours at the back. When you touch the feather it kind of tingles on your hand while you're touching it. The bottom is pointy and hard. It's the only bit I don’t like out of the whole feather. It smells like this familiar smell of a nice perfume I have smelt before. The top is the colour of white paper and the black is sort of a grayish, blended together.

Friday 7 May 2021

Play Make Create

Kia ora today for play make create I made a creation to make people smile.

I carved a pumpkin. Here is a photo of my pumpkin. I made a crown for it too.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Handwriting Term 1 2021

Here is my handwriting sample.

I think that I am good at my letters being on the lines.

I need to work on keeping my letters straight and the right size.



 Tena koutou 

We all understand the importance of being safe in and around the water.  This term we have been lucky to swim most days.

Basic Facts Term 1 2021

 Kia ora koutou

This is my basic facts blog for the beginning of 2021. 

Easter Recount


The goal of this writing activity was to retell what we did during Easter.

We had to remember to use sequencing adverbs at the beginning of

of our paragraphs.


On the long Easter weekend my family and I went to Karikari Rangiputa beach. We went there for my dad. He was training for dog trials, my dad is into dog kind of stuff.  

Dad loudly used his whistle he trained with his favourite dog Dell. When he was done we went to another spot around the beach. We played there for a little on the sand dunes. 

Weeee! I jumped off the cliff  when I was at the top. I was like WOW because I could see everywhere it was fun jumping off onto a big sand slope. My little baby sister climbed to the very top of the hill. It was insane. It wasn’t hot because we were there when the sun was going down.

After we were finished we went and got some kai for our tummies. We got fish and chips yummy!, We all went to another spot at the beach to eat. We all had a little bit of a yak then we were off on our ways when we were travelling back home I was thinking  that I wished that I could live there, once we got home we cleaned up and went to bed now. 

I enjoyed my Easter weekend.

Friday 9 April 2021

Olly's Cicadas

 This weeks reading activity was a story called Olly's cicadas.  Here is my response.